Egg Farm Simulator RBLX Wiki


Egg Farm Simulator is a game where you kill/feed chickens for eggs. You then use the eggs to buy Farmers to farm even more eggs and become the best egg Farmer in the WORLD.

The Start

At first, you start alone, obtaining more Farmers using eggs. As stated above, you obtain eggs from chickens.

Farmers help you kill/feed the chickens in different ways so having more Farmers is important due to the fact that chickens get stronger and require more manpower to dominate them.

It's important to persevere in the beginning and not become impatient, as it becomes easier as you progress and even more so when you retire.

Basic Knowledge


This is your Damage / Sec.

The more farmers you have the more damage you have. Farmers can also be upgraded for damage boosts for Them, for You or even for other Farmers. Easter Eggs and Elemental Eggs also effect your Damage / Sec.

Attack Damage

This is your attack damage.

You can get more damage from upgrading Master Pai Mei Or even from Easter Eggs and Elemental Eggs.


Retirement is unlocked when Queen Elizabeth II is level 150. (See more on the Retirement page.) This allows you to collect any Black Eggs you have earned by defeating Mutated bosses and leveling up farmers.


Rebirth is unlocked when you beat level 300. This allows you to earn Gold Eggs to get Phoenix Eggs. (See more on the Rebirth page.)
